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February 08, 2016

Aguilar Announces Book Program for San Bernardino County Schools and Agencies

Today, Rep. Pete Aguilar invited schools, public libraries and nonprofit organizations in California’s 31st Congressional District to participate in the Library of Congress’ Surplus Books Program. The Surplus Books Program allows Rep. Aguilar to distribute excess books collected by the Library of Congress to groups and organizations throughout the 31st Congressional District.

“This is a great program that helps us get important educational resources to children of every age throughout our community,” said Rep. Aguilar. He added, “We should explore every avenue to increase resources that support education, and the Surplus Books Program allows us to do just that.”

One recent donation of books was made to the San Bernardino Public Library. “On behalf of the San Bernardino Public Library Board of Trustees and the city, I would like to say thank you very much to Congressman Aguilar for thinking of our library with this very generous donation of new books from the Library of Congress Surplus Books Program,” said San Bernardino Public Library Director Ed Erjavek. He continued, “We’re grateful for his interest in promoting reading and early literacy, especially for young people, as libraries help to bring communities such as San Bernardino together. All of our patrons are encouraged to come in and check out these new books.”

The Surplus Books Program is open to local, state and federal agencies, public educational institutions, and nonprofit schools. If you have any questions about the program or would like to participate, please call Rep. Aguilar’s office at 202-225-3201.