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June 16, 2016

Aguilar Introduces Latest Jobs Bill To Increase Inland Empire Employment Opportunities

Today, Rep. Pete Aguilar introduced his latest jobs bill, the Job Opportunity and Business Services Act (JOBS) Act. This is Rep. Aguilar’s latest bill to help put Inland Empire residents back to work and will open communication channels for Workforce Development Boards (WDB) to use federal resources to advertise their services, such as résumé building, job training and employment opportunities. Since WDBs are currently restricted from utilizing federal resources to communicate their services, this legislation will drastically help expand communication between those seeking employment and employers looking for workers.

“As our region continues to fight its way back from the Great Recession, we need to explore every avenue to help put people back to work – that includes increasing communication between those looking for work and those looking to hire,” said Rep. Aguilar. He continued, “This bill will help San Bernardino County and other communities experiencing similar economic hardships across the nation. We can and we must do more to help working families get their feet on the ground, and I believe this bill is an important step to help us do just that.”

“The San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board appreciates all of the support and backing from Congressman Aguilar. He has a sound understanding of the needs of business and has worked hard to meet those needs and support our workforce development program,” said Sandy Harmsen, the Director of the San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board.

Connecting San Bernardino County residents with job opportunities is Rep. Aguilar’s top priority. His latest bill comes on the heels of the announcement of his Inland Empire Jobs Fair, which will take place on July 22nd. Rep. Aguilar authored the JOBS Act after receiving feedback on the issue from Inland Empire community members and small business owners during his Jobs Roundtable Discussions last spring. Since taking office last year, Rep. Aguilar has been an advocate for creating good-paying jobs and supporting Inland Empire small businesses. In his first term, Rep. Aguilar introduced five bills to help get the local economy back on track, established a Small Business Advisory Board, hosted United States Small Business Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet and released a Jobs Plan. The JOBS Act can be read in full here