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February 28, 2017

Aguilar Vows to Hold Trump Accountable in Response to President’s Address

Today, Rep. Pete Aguilar issued the following statement in response to President Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress:

“From demonizing immigrants and refugees to stripping transgender students of basic human rights, President Trump’s actions thus far have spoken far louder than his words,” said Rep. Aguilar. He continued, “Tonight we heard the president tout his record after one month in office—a record of tearing families apart, vowing to repeal health care for tens of millions of Americans, ending protections for the LGBTQ community and rolling back crucial environmental safeguards. President Trump doubled-down on his actions and reaffirmed his commitment to policies that will hurt San Bernardino County’s middle class. On President Trump’s first day in office, I vowed to hold him accountable for any decisions that threaten Inland Empire families and I remain committed to that promise.”

Since President Trump took office in January, Rep. Aguilar has resisted the administration’s agenda, including the president’s anti-Muslim and unconstitutional travel ban, conflicts of interest posed by his business dealings and his ties to Russia, to name a few. Rep. Aguilar has cosponsored legislation to block funding for enforcement of the president’s Muslim ban and to prevent the building of a wall between the United States and Mexico. He is also a cosponsor of H.Res. 111, Rep. Jerry Nadler’s (D-NY) resolution of inquiry to investigate President Trump’s ties to Russia, ethics violations and other potentially criminal conflicts of interest. Rep. Aguilar, a steadfast advocate for the immigrant community, met with lawyers and immigration organizations at LAX when the president’s Muslim ban detained travelers.

Tonight Rep. Aguilar was joined by Maria Barragan-Arreguin, Coordinator of the California State University, San Bernardino DREAMers Resource and Success Center, for the president’s address. Maria is a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipient and a passionate activist for Dreamers in the San Bernardino County community.