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July 14, 2017

Aguilar Amendments Included in National Defense Bill

Today, the House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2018, which includes two significant cybersecurity amendments offered by Rep. Pete Aguilar. The first amendment authorizes the creation of a talent management pilot program to recruit, train and retain personnel in the cyber workforce, and the other amendment authorizes $10 million for a cyber scholarship program. The NDAA is the annual defense policy bill and outlines defense programs for the upcoming fiscal year.

“Some of the greatest threats facing our nation are born in cyberspace. We need to make sure we’re constantly investing in the training and retention of a workforce that has the abilities and resources required to defend against attacks we face from our adversaries and rogue actors,” said Rep. Aguilar. He added, “Prioritizing cybersecurity is critical from a national security standpoint, but it also plays a significant role in the Inland Empire community, where we are training the cyberwarriors who will be on the front lines of the fight.”

Rep. Aguilar is a member of the Cybersecurity Caucus and has worked to make investments in cybersecurity education and training. He has also been an effective advocate for federal funding to support cybersecurity programs offered at California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB), and recently secured a $5 million appropriation to restart a program with the Department of Defense that was previously offered at CSUSB but discontinued due to a lack of federal funding.

Rep. Aguilar served on the House Armed Services Committee in the 114th Congress. He now serves on the House Appropriations Committee. He voted in favor of the NDAA, which passed the House by a vote of 344 to 81.