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August 08, 2017

Aguilar Announces 2017 Inland Empire Jobs Fair for San Bernardino County Residents

Today, Rep. Pete Aguilar announced that he is hosting an Inland Empire Jobs Fair on Friday, August 25th from 10:00AM to 1:00PM at the San Bernardino Boys & Girls Club. The jobs fair will connect job seekers with Inland Empire employers looking to hire. This is Rep. Aguilar’s third jobs fair. His two previous jobs fairs have helped over one hundred San Bernardino County residents find full-time work.

“The economic growth we’ve seen at the national level hasn’t translated to everyone in the San Bernardino community yet, so we need to go the extra mile to ensure we’re utilizing every tool and resource we have to put people back to work,” said Rep. Aguilar. He continued, “Events like this are important because we can directly connect residents looking for work with businesses that are ready to hire. While policy solutions are necessary to confront our broader economic obstacles, community events like this are critical to helping us close the gaps in our local job market.”

Getting the Inland Empire economy back on track and putting residents back to work has been one of Rep. Aguilar’s top priorities since taking office. In his first term, he introduced five different bills to spur economic growth and to help Inland Empire businesses expand. Just last month, Rep. Aguilar re-introduced his bill, the On-the-Job Training Tax Credit Act, which creates a temporary tax credit for employers to help pay for training new hires. The bill, which was endorsed by Inland Empire Economic Partnership’s Chief Economist Dr. John Husing, helps close the “skills gap” that exists between the labor force and the skills employers require.

Rep. Aguilar’s 2017 Inland Empire Jobs Fair will be held at the San Bernardino Boys & Girls Club, which is located at 1180 W 9th Street. For more information about the event, please contact Rep. Aguilar’s office at (909)-890-4445 or visit his event posting here.

WHAT:          Inland Empire Jobs Fair hosted by Rep. Pete Aguilar

WHEN:          Friday, August 25th from 10:00AM to 1:00PM

WHERE:       San Bernardino Boys & Girls Club