In Case You Missed It: Rep. Aguilar Holds Redlands Town Hall
Yesterday, Rep. Pete Aguilar held a town hall meeting in Redlands to discuss issues affecting Inland Empire families. This town hall was the latest in a series of events designed to allow Rep. Aguilar to connect directly with members of the community. So far this year, Rep. Aguilar has held two constituent town halls, resource fairs for local veterans and seniors, and an Inland Empire jobs fair.
Monday’s town hall was attended by over 200 Inland Empire residents and was moderated by Jessica Keating, editor of the Redlands Daily Facts. Over the course of two hours, Rep. Aguilar answered a wide range of constituent questions and provided information regarding the Inland Empire economy, health care, environmental issues, federal disaster relief efforts, and his efforts to gain support for the bipartisan Dream Act in the wake of President Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
The town hall was broadcast live on Rep. Aguilar’s Facebook page, and can be viewed in full here. Sandra Emerson with the Redlands Daily Facts has the full story.