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December 19, 2017

Aguilar Reacts to Passage of GOP Tax Bill

Today, Rep. Pete Aguilar issued the following statement in response to the passage of the Conference Report for H.R. 1, Congressional Republicans’ attempt to provide a massive tax cut for corporations at the expense of middle-class families:

“Instead of providing tax relief to middle-class families and small businesses like the ones here in the Inland Empire, this bill is specifically designed to give massive tax breaks to the wealthiest corporations and individuals in our country. In addition to adding a trillion dollars to the deficit, this bill will drive up health care costs and raise taxes for millions of working Americans. Tax reform should be about creating a level playing field where every American has a chance to find success, not lining the pockets of wealthy corporations on the backs of working people.”

Rep. Aguilar has been an advocate for tax policies that incentivize job creation and growth, and earlier this year he introduced legislation to provide tax relief for businesses as they train new hires. Rep. Aguilar voted against the Conference Report for H.R. 1 after voting against the original version of the bill in November.