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September 04, 2018

Aguilar Announces Congressional App Challenge for Inland Empire Students

Today, Rep. Pete Aguilar announced that his office will participate in the Congressional App Challenge (CAC). The CAC is an annual competition open to middle and high school students throughout the country. Students create original software applications, or “apps,” to compete against other students in their respective Congressional Districts. The winner for California’s 31st Congressional District will be selected by a panel of local experts from the Inland Empire. The winning app is eligible to be displayed in the Capitol Building and to be featured on Rep. Aguilar’s website. The winning student will be invited to the #HouseofCode Reception in Washington, DC.

“I love showing off the wide range of talent Inland Empire students have, which is why I’m excited to host the Congressional App Challenge in the 31st District for the first time this year. We know that STEM jobs are going to play a major role in our economy in the coming years, so I’m glad to have this opportunity to expose our students to skills like coding and design,” said Rep. Aguilar.

To compete in the Congressional App Challenge, students within the 31st Congressional District must register at by September 10, 2018. For more information, please visit or call (909) 890-4445.