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December 15, 2018

What to expect from the new Democratic majority in the House

On November 6, 2018, Americans went to the polls to send a clear message to Washington – “Enough.” Enough partisan bickering. Enough inaction. Enough catering to special interests. Enough.

Inland Empire families are tired of paying too much for health care and prescription drugs. We’re ready to see real investment in our infrastructure to create good-paying jobs and make our economy work for everyone, not just the wealthy. And we’re fed up with the corruption that allows Washington politicians to put their own interests ahead of the people they’re sworn to serve. That’s why, with unprecedented levels of enthusiasm and record-high turnout, voters elected a Democratic Majority to the House of Representatives for the first time in a decade. The people decided that we needed new leadership, and now it’s time for that new leadership to deliver for the people.

Last year, House Republicans passed a shameful health care bill that would have stripped coverage from millions of Americans, including those with pre-existing conditions. While the bill ultimately failed in the Senate, the Trump Administration has worked tirelessly to make it harder for working Americans to find quality, affordable health insurance. With our new majority in the House, Democrats plan to put an end to those efforts. By focusing on policies that empower the people rather than the insurance and drug companies, we can lower the costs of prescription drugs and drive down the cost of insurance coverage. By strengthening and protecting programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, we can make sure that every American can access the care they need.

While the Republican tax plan led to massive gains for wealthy corporations, working Americans were left behind. The bill also adds a trillion dollars to the federal deficit while driving up health care costs and raising taxes for millions of Americans. Democrats believe that hard-working people should never have to live in fear of poverty. That’s why we’re going to make meaningful investments in repairing our country’s crumbling infrastructure and fostering innovation in fields like renewable energy. These investments will create the types of good-paying jobs needed to reinvigorate our economy so that it works for everyone, not just those at the top.

It’s also past time to clean up the corruption that plagues Washington. From getting dark money out of our politics, to enshrining and protecting voting rights for every American, Democrats are committed to making sure that our government is run as the founders intended – of the people, by the people and for the people.

I’m honored that Inland Empire families chose me to represent them in the 116th Congress and proud that the American people elected a Democratic Majority in the House of Representatives. In the next two years, San Bernardino County residents can expect that their representative in Washington will be working tirelessly to make our community a better place to live, work and raise a family. I look forward to getting started.