Aguilar Takes “Job for a Day” Tour to March Air Reserve Base
Rep. Aguilar took his Job for a Day tour of the Inland Empire to March Air Reserve Base, where he learned how to record, edit and upload audio files for American Forces Network (AFN). AFN provides radio and television news and entertainment for active, guard, and Reserve military service members, and their families overseas. AFN reaches US military audiences in 168 countries, as well as Navy and Coast Guard ships around the world. In addition to learning firsthand about the work of an AFN Radio Specialist, Rep. Aguilar recorded a brief radio message to thank deployed service members and their families.
“While our service members overseas are spending time away from their families, AFN gives them a connection to home. The men and women of our military sacrifice a tremendous amount to serve and protect our country, and AFN helps keep them updated on what’s going at home while they’re away. This experience showed me just how critical AFN’s mission is, and I look forward to being an advocate in Congress for them and for all of our service members,” said Rep. Aguilar.
“Congressman Aguilar was very easy to work with. He had a friendly presence and great attitude toward learning about what I do in the radio department. It’s very humbling for someone in his position to take the time out of his busy life to pay a visit and to care about the AFN mission. I only hope that I gave him the best experience possible of what I do as an AFN Radio Specialist,” said Senior Airman Samara Hagen.
Rep. Aguilar is a member of the House Appropriations Committee where he serves on the Subcommittee for Defense. There, he is a consistent advocate for funding that supports the mission of March Air Reserve Base and programs such as AFN.