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June 25, 2019

Aguilar’s Provision to Allow DACA Recipients to Serve in Federal Government Passes House

The House of Representatives passed legislation containing language offered by Rep. Pete Aguilar that would allow immigrants with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status to become eligible for federal employment. The provision was passed by the Appropriations Committee earlier this month along with language prohibiting the deportation of DACA and TPS recipients.

“Dreamers are American by every meaningful measure, but our antiquated immigration system has kept them out of public service for far too long. To be a DACA recipient in good standing requires an extraordinary amount of discipline and determination, and they represent the best and brightest of their communities. These young people could be forces for positive change within their communities and our country if given the chance to serve, and I’m proud that this legislation gives them that chance,” said Rep. Aguilar.

“DACA recipients are eager to serve their communities, but too often they don’t have a way to enter public service. Opening up federal employment opportunities to these young people will create a more diverse, talented federal workforce and allow these doctors, researchers, teachers, and more to help tackle our nation’s most pressing challenges. We are glad to see champions including Congressman Aguilar recognize the importance of this issue for the Dreamer community,” said Xenia Ruiz, Founder of the Dreamers Congressional Staff Association.

Aguilar has been a devoted champion for immigration reform throughout his time in Congress and during his tenure as Vice Chair of the House Appropriations Committee. In the 115th Congress, he led a bipartisan effort to force a vote on legislation to provide a permanent path to citizenship for Dreamers. In addition to his leadership role on the Appropriations Committee, Aguilar serves as a Chief Deputy Whip in the House Democratic Caucus.