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October 02, 2019

Aguilar Announces $3 Million for San Bernardino Entrepreneurship and Employment Programs

Congressman Pete Aguilar announced a federal grant of $3 million has been awarded to the San Bernardino Community College District (SBCCD). The funding comes from the Economic Development Administration (EDA) and will be matched by SBCCD, bringing the total investment to $6 million.

These funds will be used to renovate and modernize two buildings housing the San Bernardino Community College District’s Institute for Local Economic Advancement and Development (iLEAD) initiative. The first building, in northern San Bernardino, will house the iLEAD Innovation & Entrepreneurship (IE) Accelerator. Here students will receive hands-on career training in coding, 3D printing, digital media, machine technology, and construction. The second facility, in Downtown San Bernardino, will provide job training to formerly-incarcerated individuals through the iLEAD Center for Re-Entry & Access to Transitional Employment (CREATE) Program. The EDA estimates that the programs will create 369 new jobs, support 893 current jobs, and spur over $120,000 in private investments in the community.

“With this investment in our community, the EDA is recognizing the potential for growth within San Bernardino. I’m proud to announce this funding, which will create hundreds of good-paying jobs in our region and help continue the economic growth we’ve seen in the past few years,” said Aguilar.

“Whether a young student wants the skills to jumpstart their career or a formerly incarcerated adult wants a second chance at a better life, our partnership with the EDA will help open new doors of opportunity,” said San Bernardino Community College District Chancellor Bruce Baron. “We look forward to putting this investment immediately to work and continue building a stronger workforce for the Inland Empire.”

As Vice Chair of the House Appropriations Committee, Aguilar helps determine federal funding levels for agencies such as the EDA. In addition to his role on the Appropriations Committee, Aguilar serves as a Chief Deputy Whip in the House Democratic Caucus.