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May 01, 2020

Aguilar Announces $1.5 Million in Coronavirus Relief Funds for Inland Empire Affordable Housing

Rep. Pete Aguilar announced that the Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino (HACSB) received $1,547,064 in funding from the CARES Act, legislation passed by Congress to provide relief to Americans during the coronavirus crisis. The funding will help HACSB offset rental income lost due to the economic hardship caused by the virus, and nearly $40,000 is designated to purchase cleaning supplies and protective equipment to help tenants and HACSB employees stay safe and prevent the spread of the virus.  

“I voted for the CARES Act to make sure San Bernardino County residents have the resources they need to stay safe and make ends meet during this crisis. I’m proud to announce this funding to make sure our region continues to provide affordable housing options to our residents while implementing new safeguards to prevent the spread of this virus,” said Aguilar.

“We are so grateful to Congress and the American tax-payers for the CARES Act funding. The safety of our residents and staff is our top priority! As good stewards of tax-payer dollars we will maximize the funding and pay for the urgent health and safety measures we’ve adopted as a result of COVID-19,” said Maria Razo, Executive Director of HACSB.

Rep. Aguilar serves as the Vice Chair of the House Appropriations Committee, the committee responsible for allocating federal funding, and as a Chief Deputy Whip in the House Democratic Caucus.