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June 02, 2020

Aguilar Announces Over $600,000 for Coronavirus Prevention in San Bernardino

Rep. Pete Aguilar announced that the City of San Bernardino has received $632,422 from the Department of Justice Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program. The funding will be used to help the city purchase personal protective equipment (PPE) for municipal employees and first responders to help curb the spread of coronavirus.

“Our community has been a hotspot for this virus, and we need to use all available resources to prevent the spread and keep our essential workers safe. I’m proud to announce this funding, which will help municipal employees on the frontlines continue their work safely,” said Rep. Aguilar.

“The City of San Bernardino is grateful to be the recipient of the Department of Justice Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) which will grant the City with resources needed to purchase protective equipment to provide for the safety of employees and the public, helping to prevent unnecessary exposure to COVID-19,” said San Bernardino City Manager Teri Ledoux.

Rep. Aguilar serves as the Vice Chair of the House Appropriations Committee, the committee responsible for allocating funding to federal agencies and programs.