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July 28, 2020

House Passes Bill to Establish Museum of the American Latino on the National Mall

The House passed H.R. 2420, a bill to establish a Smithsonian National Museum of the American Latino on the National Mall dedicated to honoring the contributions of American Latinos throughout US history. The bill, which was sponsored by Congressman Jose Serrano (NY-15), passed unanimously, with Rep. Pete Aguilar leading debate on the House floor.

“Today marks an important step forward in our effort to recognize the contributions of Latinos to America’s history and culture – an effort that Congressman Serrano has championed for years. For generations, American Latinos have been at the center of growth and progress in the United States, and I look forward to seeing a museum on the National Mall to tell that story. I’m grateful for the bipartisan support we received on the House floor, and I urge my Senate colleagues to take up this bill without delay,” said Rep. Aguilar.

“Our nation’s existence and progress have long been intertwined with its proud Latino populace. Their hard work, talent, values, faith and determination have reinforced what the world recognizes as the “American” spirit. Having an honored place within the Smithsonian showcasing the contributions, achievements and influence of the Latino culture and experience upon the United States is a deserving tribute and further affirms diversity as this country’s greatest strength,” said Dr. Tomás Morales, President of California State University, San Bernardino.

“It’s long overdue to recognize the accomplishments and history of an important segment of the Americas. Latinos and their indigenous and European roots are a vital part of the development of the Americas,” said Gloria Macias Harrison, owner and publisher of the Inland Empire Community News.

As a Member of the Committee on House Administration and a longtime advocate for the bill, Rep. Aguilar managed floor debate on H.R. 2420. Rep. Aguilar’s remarks and the full debate can be viewed here.