ICYMI: Aguilar Announces $10.5 Million and National Recognition for CSUSB Cybersecurity Center
Rep. Pete Aguilar announced that California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB) has been designated as the Community National Center for Cybersecurity Education by the National Security Agency (NSA). This designation includes a $10.5 million federal grant and will allow CSUSB to act as the leading institution to develop and train the next generation of cybersecurity experts.
The announcement was made during a virtual ceremony that featured Rep. Aguilar, CSUSB President Dr. Tomás Morales, Director of the CSUSB Cybersecurity Center Dr. Tony Coulson, and the NSA’s Deputy Commandant for the National Cryptologic School Diane Janosek.
“I’ve been proud to advocate for federal funding and support for the CSUSB Cybersecurity Center because I know the potential of our region’s students and educators. With this designation and grant funding, the Inland Empire will now be the national leader in training the next generation of cyber experts in the national security field,” said Aguilar.
As Vice Chair of the House Appropriations Committee and a member of the Defense and Homeland Security Subcommittees, Rep. Aguilar has successfully advocated for millions of dollars in federal funding for cyber education programs and restarted a federal initiative to provide cyber scholarships for students at universities like CSUSB.