In Response to Attack on the US Capitol, Aguilar Introduces Legislative Package to Prevent Domestic Terror Incidents
Today, Rep. Pete Aguilar introduced three bills, the REPORT Act, PROTECT Act, and PREVENT Act, to prevent future incidents of domestic terrorism like the attack on the Capitol on January 6th. The REPORT Act requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to collaborate with the FBI, Office of the US Attorney General and National Counterterrorism Center to submit a report to Congress in the wake of domestic terror incidents and recommend actions to prevent future terror incidents. The PREVENT Act requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to provide training to local communities on how to best mitigate threats from extremists such as white nationalists, and the PROTECT Act makes DHS resources available to help local communities prepare for and prevent active shooter incidents.
WATCH: Aguilar Discusses Trio of Homeland Security Bills on Morning Joe
“After my hometown of San Bernardino suffered from a domestic terror attack in 2015, I quickly learned that we need to increase the federal government’s role in responding to and preventing future attacks. The attack on the US Capitol earlier this year was a grim reminder of how far we still have to go to prevent violent extremists and terrorists from carrying out these violent acts. This legislative package is designed to increase the use of federal resources to better prepare lawmakers to respond to these incidents, and to give our local communities the tools they need to prevent future attacks and save lives,” said Aguilar.
Rep. Aguilar first introduced this package of bills following a deadly terror attack in the 31st District in 2015, and the REPORT Act passed in the House with bipartisan support in the 115th Congress. The bills have now been reintroduced with a focus on preventing domestic terror incidents like the January 6th attack on the Capitol. Aguilar also recently introduced the Shielding Our Military from Extremists Act, legislation to codify Pentagon recommendations to keep white supremacists and other extremists out of the US military.