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November 03, 2021

Aguilar Announces $592,000 for Inland Empire Affordable Health Care

Rep. Pete Aguilar announced that Inland Behavioral and Health Services (IBHS), Inc. has received a $592,488 grant from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The funding is a result of Congressional Democrats’ American Rescue Plan, legislation to help Americans recover from the pandemic that included significant investments in affordable health care programs. The funding will allow IBHS to modernize their facilities to provide the best care possible for residents of the Inland Empire.

“I helped pass the American Rescue Plan because it provided direct funding to help our communities recover from the pandemic. I’m proud to announce this funding, which will give Inland Empire residents access to higher-quality care and facilities,” said Aguilar.

Dr. Temetry A. Lindsey, CEO/President of Inland Behavioral and Health Services, Inc. said, “The proposed modification and renovation will help IBHS meet programming and community needs, including optimization of currently limited space by both staff and patients, promoting improved access for children, mothers and families.”

Rep. Aguilar serves on the House Appropriations Committee, the committee responsible for funding federal programs and agencies like HHS.