Rep. Aguilar Supports Nearly $40 Billion in Emergency Security and Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine

WASHINGTON, DC — Last night, Rep. Aguilar voted in support of nearly $40 billion in emergency humanitarian and security funding for the Ukrainian people as they fight to defend their country from Russia’s unprovoked invasion.
“Since Putin launched his cruel and premeditated invasion of Ukraine, Congress has responded with historic speed and unity to provide critical support to the people of Ukraine,” said Rep. Aguilar. “Today, we passed bipartisan legislation that will provide Ukraine with robust funding for humanitarian, military and economic assistance. This will be pivotal in helping Ukraine defend their country and sends a clear message to the world that we are committed to standing up for democracy.”
This funding package includes:
- $8.76 billion to bolster the Economic Support Fund and help Ukraine respond to emergent needs,
- $6 billion for weapons, equipment, training, and intelligence and logistics support,
- $5 billion to address global food insecurity and rising food prices as a result of the conflict in Ukraine,
- $4.35 billion for emergency food assistance to help people around the world suffering from hunger because of the war in Ukraine,
- and $350 million to support Ukrainians fleeing the brutality and violence in their home country.
In addition to this funding, Rep. Aguilar helped pass legislation to suspend trade relations with Russian and Belarus, ban the import of Russian oil and energy products into the US, review Russia’s access to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and leverage the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act to impose more sanctions on Russia.
Rep. Aguilar serves as the Vice Chair of the House Democratic Caucus and as a member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense.