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July 25, 2022

Rep. Aguilar Rallies the Inland Empire to Donate Blood Amid Critically Low Shortage

SAN BERNARDINO, CA — Today, Rep. Pete Aguilar donated blood at the LifeStream Blood Bank. Last week, it was reported that the Inland Empire was facing a dangerously low supply of blood, impeding the care hospitals can give to patients in the area.

“The Inland Empire needs our help,” said Rep. Aguilar. “There is a critical blood shortage in our community which could be dangerous for Inland Empire residents who get sick. I am asking everyone who can, to please find time this week to help save lives by donating blood.”

Officials at LifeStream Blood Bank said the bank has just over 24 hours of blood supply on hand as of July 21st. The Southern California Blood Bank is at a two-day supply or less for a majority of blood types. LifeStream Blood Bank has locations across the Inland Empire in San Bernardino, Redlands, Loma Linda and more.

Photos from today’s event with Rep. Aguilar and LifeStream Blood Bank: