Rep. Aguilar Announces $750,000 for Infrastructure Improvements to University of Redlands

REDLANDS, CA — This week, Rep. Pete Aguilar announced $750,000 in federal funding he secured to support the creation of a mixed-use infrastructure project called the University Village. This project will include over 1,000 affordable housing units and easy access to public transit for students and families.
“Our region is one of the fastest growing in the country, and I’m focused on raising the quality of life for all residents,” said Rep. Pete Aguilar. “I’m proud to have secured the funding to help create over 1,000 affordable housing units, creative workspaces, a recreational center and access to the new University Station stop on the Arrow Line service to San Bernardino. This project will create thousands of good-paying jobs, spur significant local and regional economic growth and establish transit-connected neighborhoods in the City of Redlands.”
“This walkway will provide an easily accessible pathway between the University and the train station, connecting our students to the City of Redlands and beyond,” said University of Redlands President Krista L. Newkirk. “This funding, provided through the advocacy of Congressman Aguilar, is a transformational step in completing the vision for University Village, a project that will have a tremendous impact on the community and University.”
“The University and City of Redlands have been inextricably linked since 1907,” said City of Redlands Mayor Pro Tem Paul Barich. “This important connection and overall vision for the future University Village project will make Redlands an even more wonderful place to live, work, and attend college.”
“Congressman Aguilar has long been a strong proponent of public transit and understands that one of the most pressing challenges facing public transportation today is the “First and last Mile Problem, which is the distance a commuter needs to travel from a transit stop to their destination,” said Pat Morris ‘59, University of Redlands Life Trustee, and former Mayor of the City of San Bernardino. “This grant will help the City of Redlands and the University of Redlands construct a short, direct, and wheelchair accessible pathway from the University Arrow Line Station into the heart of the University of Redlands campus facilitating easy and convenient use of public transit by those who work, visit, and reside at the University.”
“My college experience has been nothing short of extraordinary,” said University of Redlands Senior Melina Estrada. “Watching this University community evolve over the last four years into a destination campus, now supported by light rail, will further connect us all to opportunities, internships, and future jobs throughout Southern California and beyond.”
Pictures from Rep. Aguilar’s Press Conference:
