Rep. Aguilar Holds the House Floor to Stand Up for Veterans, Public School Teachers and Seniors in the Inland Empire

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, Rep. Pete Aguilar spoke on the House Floor in defense of his constituents who would be negatively impacted by a devastating default. Last week, Rep. Aguilar voted against the Default on America Act, which raised the nation’s borrowing limit in exchange for draconian across-the-board cuts that would hurt veterans, seniors, public schools and people who rely on food assistance.
“We are on the verge of a Republican-led default because the people calling the shots in this chamber are the same people who want cuts to veterans’ health care and manufacturing jobs,” said Rep. Aguilar. “These draconian cuts will have a direct impact on my community in the Inland Empire and the State of California. This is unacceptable and Americans deserve better.”
Defaulting on our debt would:
- Eliminate approximately 6,900 jobs in CA-33 alone, and nearly seven million jobs nationwide.
- Jeopardize Social Security payments for 58,000 families in CA-33.
- Threaten the retirement savings of 81,500 people near retirement in CA-33.
- Increase housing costs for 83,200 people in the State of California.
- Kick four million people off their health insurance in the State of California.
Rep. Aguilar has signed onto legislation that allows for a bipartisan solution to avoid default and saves our economy. If five Republicans sign this same legislation, this crisis can be ended immediately.
You can watch Rep. Aguilar’s full floor speech here.
Rep. Aguilar serves as Chair of the House Democratic Caucus and is a member of the House Committee on Appropriations.