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April 27, 2017

Aguilar Announces #DearPete Social Media Campaign

Today, Rep. Pete Aguilar announced a new social media campaign, #DearPete, to highlight his focus on accessibility and responsiveness to constituents of California’s 31st Congressional District. Each week, Rep. Aguilar will share a letter he receives from a constituent, as well as his handwritten response. The posts will appear regularly on his social media platforms, including Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

“I’ve heard overwhelmingly from residents in our community, particularly since January, about a number of concerns that we’re dealing with at the federal level but that have a huge impact on Inland Empire families. Whether we’re talking about creating good-paying jobs, protecting the environment, improving our current health care system, or fighting for women’s reproductive rights, San Bernardino County residents are making their voices heard loud and clear, and I’m grateful that they’re reaching out to me to push these priorities on behalf of our community,” said Rep. Aguilar. He added, “I’m inspired by their letters, calls and social media posts, and really want to show them that I’m listening and fighting for them. I hope this encourages more residents to keep standing up for their families, friends and neighbors by contacting their elected officials.”

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To follow the #DearPete campaign, please visit Rep. Aguilar’s Instagram (@Rep.PeteAguilar) or Twitter accounts (@RepPeteAguilar), and his Facebook page ( His first letter responds to a question that a constituent left at his town hall in San Bernardino, asking Rep. Aguilar how he’ll defend women’s reproductive freedom and support critical reproductive health care providers like Planned Parenthood.

Pete Aguilar represents California’s 31st Congressional District. Before he was elected to Congress, Rep. Aguilar served as the Mayor of Redlands, where he resides with his wife Alisha and two children.