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Know Your Reproductive Rights

Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, abortion laws and access to reproductive care have varied from state to state.

California has taken steps to safeguard abortion rights since then, including as recently as October 2023, when Governor Newsom and the state legislature passed measures into law that bolstered privacy protections for reproductive health care data, safeguarding abortion providers against out-of-state legal action and expanding abortion care training opportunities for medical residents and other providers. 

In California, you have the legal right to privacy, including the right to choose abortion care, to choose or refuse birth control and to access reproductive health care, free from harassment and discrimination. 

I believe that abortion care is health care, and all women should have the right to decide when and how they want to start a family.

I am proud to be a Member of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus (PCC)—a group of over 150 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives committed to advancing reproductive rights and defending freedom.

Know Your Rights & Access Care  

On a national, state and local level, you have rights, and you have options for access to comprehensive reproductive health care, including abortion care. Do you have questions about those rights and options? See the relevant resources below.  

Federal Rights & Resources  

  1. Department of Health and Human Services Reproductive Rights Resource Website HERE.  
  2. Department of Justice Reproductive Rights Task Force Information HERE.  
  3. Department of Education Title IX Fact Sheet HERE.  
  1. Department of Defense  
    1. Military Health System
      1. Reproductive Health Care Resources HERE.  
      2. Reproductive Health Q&A HERE.  
    2. Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness  
      1. Updated Reproductive Care Policies HERE.  
  2. Department of Veterans Affairs Reproductive Health Information HERE.  
  3. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Pregnancy Discrimination Information HERE.  
  4. Department of Homeland Security  
    1. Immigration and Customs Enforcement 
      1. Medical Care Standards HERE.  

Reproductive Health Care Coverage  

  1. Department of Health and Human Services 
    1. Office of Secretary Xavier Becerra  
      1. HHS, Labor & Treasury Joint Guidance on Birth Control Coverage HERE.  
    2. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 
      1. Revised Emergency Abortion Coverage Policies HERE.   
      2. Medicare Abortion Coverage Policies HERE.  
  2. Department of Defense  
    1. Defense Health Agency   
      1. TRICARE Reproductive Health Coverage Policies HERE.  
    2. Health Insurance Marketplace   
      1. Abortion Information HERE.  
      2. Birth Control Information HERE.  

Family Planning Resources  

  1. Department of Health and Human Services   
    1. Office of Population Affairs   
      1. Adolescent Health & Family Planning Resources HERE.  
      2. Title X Program  
        1. 2021 Updated Rule HERE.  
        2. Clinic Finder HERE.  
        3. Resources for Grantees HERE.  

State: California 

State Agencies  

  1. State of California Official Abortion Information Website HERE.  
  2. CA Office of the Surgeon General Reproductive Health Information HERE.  
  3. CA Department of Justice   
    1. Office of the Attorney General Reproductive Rights Information HERE.  
    2. Reproductive Health Care Access in County Jails 2023 Report HERE.  
  1. CA Department of Insurance Abortion Coverage FAQ HERE.  
  2. CA Health and Human Services Agency  
    1. Department of Health Care Services   
      1. Women’s Health Information HERE.  
      2. Doula Directory HERE.  
      3. Abortion Supplemental Payment Program Information for Community Clinics HERE.  
      4. Reproductive Health Access Demonstration Medicaid Waiver Request Information HERE.  
    2. Department of Health Care Access and Information  
      1. Reproductive Health Care Access Initiative Resources HERE
    3. Department of Managed Health Care  
      1. Your Health Care Rights HERE.
      2. State Action Highlights HERE.
  3. CA Department of Education Sexual Health Resources HERE.  
  4. CA Privacy Protection Agency Privacy Rights Information HERE.  

Government Representatives  

  1. Find your representatives HERE.  
  2. California Legislative Women’s Caucus Reproductive Freedom Resources HERE.

Local Resources

San Bernardino County

  1. Department of Public Health
    1. Clinic Locations and Services HERE.
    2. Sexual Health Resources HERE.
    3. Teen Health Resources HERE.
    4. Maternal, Child & Adolescent Health Family Resources HERE.

Local College & University Resources (Public)

  1. California State University, San Bernardino
    1. Student Health Services Information HERE.
    2. Health Education Resources HEREHERE.
  2. San Bernardino Valley College
    1. Student Health Resources HERE.