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April 05, 2021

San Bernardino airport seeks federal funding for runway rehabilitation

On Wednesday, March 24, the San Bernardino International Airport Authority (SBIAA) passed a resolution to provide information to the federal government regarding funding for the Runway Rehabilitation Project and received an update on the Contract Tower Program.

The commission passed a resolution to provide more information to the federal government on Runway Rehabilitation Project after a request by Congressman Pete Aguilar to see if the project would qualify for “full federal funding support.”

If the airport qualifies, it would receive funding under the federal government’s Community Projects Program, which would cover the costs of maintaining the runway at San Bernardino International Airport (SBD).

SBD Airport Director Mark Gibbs also announced that due to the increase of business coming into the airport, the FAA notified SBD that the airport will become the 252nd member of the Contract Tower Program.