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July 02, 2020

Aguilar Amendments to Lower Pollution and Reduce Traffic in the Inland Empire Pass in Landmark House Transportation Bill

Yesterday, the House passed H.R. 2, the Moving Forward Act, a sweeping infrastructure investment package of more than $1.5 trillion for infrastructure projects to create good-paying jobs, modernize American transportation infrastructure and address the climate crisis. Two amendments introduced by Rep. Pete Aguilar were included in the bill. The first helps make the Inland Empire more competitive in applying for federal grants to reduce emissions and fight pollution. The second establishes a Gridlock Reduction Grant Program to fund programs that would reduce traffic and congestion in regions like the Inland Empire.


“I was proud to help pass this bill because it will bring real investment to our region and create good-paying jobs in our community. This forward-thinking legislation will help us work our way out of the recession caused by the coronavirus pandemic and will allow us to modernize our crumbling infrastructure, reduce pollution and fight climate change,” said Aguilar.


“The San Bernardino County Transportation Authority applauds the efforts of Congressman Aguilar to create a greater recognition of the significant role the Inland Empire plays in the goods movement industry and provide access to critical funding to address the impacts. With more than 40% of the goods coming from southern California ports making their way through our region to the rest of the country, the efforts of Congressman Aguilar on this issue will yield important benefits to our region,” said Dr. Raymond Wolfe, Executive Director of the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority.


Rep. Aguilar serves as Vice Chair of the House Appropriations Committee, the committee responsible for allocating federal funding for grant programs and infrastructure projects.