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December 16, 2015

Aguilar Leads House in Moment of Silence in Honor of San Bernardino Victims

This morning, Rep. Pete Aguilar led the House of Representatives in a moment of silence in honor of those lost and affected by the terrorist attack in San Bernardino on December 2, 2015.

“Mr. Speaker, today I rise with a heavy heart to pay tribute to the fourteen innocent lives lost on December 2nd in San Bernardino, California, in the terrorism attack at the Inland Regional Center.

In the wake of this terrorist act, our San Bernardino community has come together and supported one another during this dark chapter of our region and our nation.

Mr. Speaker, today I ask my colleagues, fellow Americans and those who hear this message around the world, to pray for the families of the fourteen victims, the speedy recovery of the 22 injured, the countless first responders who helped that day, and for the health and resilience of the San Bernardino community.

In the aftermath of this pain, I have seen firsthand the tenacity and spirit of the area we call the Inland Empire. We have said loudly as one community that this tragedy will not define us and it will not divide us. We will not be afraid to come together in fellowship, to work together, to mourn together, or to rebuild together. Across faith and culture we will support one another in this time of need.

Mr. Speaker, San Bernardino has been forced to soldier through difficult times before. As we face this new and different hurdle, I know my community will continue to stand together to show our country and our region the resolve of this city and of these people to heal. We are San Bernardino United.

Mr. Speaker, I am joined by my colleagues and I ask the House to pause for a moment of silence in honor of those affected by the terrorist attack in San Bernardino on December 2nd.”

Rep. Aguilar’s remarks can be viewed in full here.