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Press Releases

April 23, 2015

Last week, Rep. Pete Aguilar (CA-31) marked his first 100 days in office by releasing a Jobs Plan – his…

April 16, 2015

After marking one hundred days in office yesterday, Rep. Pete Aguilar (CA-31) unveiled his Jobs Plan this morning; his strategy…

April 15, 2015

 On Tax Day, Rep. Pete Aguilar (CA-31), along with Rep. Mike Quigley (IL-05) and Rep. Raul Ruiz (CA-36), introduced the…

April 13, 2015

On Friday, Rep. Pete Aguilar (CA-31) continued his jobs tour at the America’s Job Center of California in San Bernardino….

April 10, 2015

Today, Rep. Pete Aguilar (CA-31) hosted a roundtable discussion with veterans to discuss critical issues facing our veterans today, including…

April 08, 2015

Yesterday, Rep. Pete Aguilar (CA-31) met with Ernesto and Dina Gudiño of Redlands and their family to discuss immigration reform….

March 31, 2015

Today, Rep. Pete Aguilar released the following statement in honor of Chicano Civil Rights leader and activist, César Chávez: “Today…

March 30, 2015

Late last week, Rep. Pete Aguilar (CA-31) called on California State Bar President Craig Holden to conduct an inquiry into…

March 25, 2015

Today, Rep. Pete Aguilar (CA-31) co-sponsored the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would help end wage discrimination against women. Women currently…

March 25, 2015

Rep. Pete Aguilar (CA-31) released the following statement on his vote against the Republican House budget: “Today, I voted against…